Tuesday 18 August 2009

Are MEN the new shopaholics?!?

The stereotype of the female shopaholic could soon be an image of the past, as new research shows that Britain's 'online high street' is increasingly dominated by men?!? The latest findings from the PayPal UK Online Retail Report, conducted by Experian, indicate that over 12.9 million men shop online today compared with 10.3 million women, and almost twice as many men than women are joining the army of online shoppers each year?!?

Men are also spending more online than women. The average online spend over the last six months was £2,602 for men compared to £1,930 for women?!?

The PayPal report suggests that men were quicker to turn to the internet at the beginning of the economic downturn, looking to save money by shopping around, and to research products in more depth before buying them. Men love the quick and efficient nature of the internet?!?

Our impatience have helped drive a revolution in how websites are designed. Gone are the days of elaborate graphics that take an age to load - and drive customers away to better designed sites.

Visit www.fashicon.co.uk - AKA - “the site to look up to” and you will see exactly why men would rather shop on our site than spending a day hanging around the Mall?!? Fashicon brings you the latest fashion brands from across the world, together with a reliable and trusted service making Fashicon the preferred online destination for menswear?!?

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