Wednesday 16 September 2009

Fash-ICON or Fashion-VICTIM?!?

Fashion trends come and go, but to become a real fashicon you need to master the ability to pick and choose which fashion trends to follow. Some trends will make you look fabulous, while others with just make you look plain ridiculous – so choose your style with caution if you want to avoid looking like a fashion victim!?!

Luckily, here at Fashicon we can pick the wheat from the chaff for you as everything we stock has been carefully selected to bring you the best mix of the latest trends to ensure you always make a good impression?!?

This week we are passing our verdict on trousers worn so low practically the whole boxer short is on view – so look away now if you’re easily offended!?!

Now don’t get me wrong, showing an inch or so of Calvin Klein or Sexy Bastard is fine as these waistbands have been designed to be seen, but when you can see most of the boxer short and the jeans are defying gravity – this is most definitely not a good look!?!

It’s not a good look on the streets of New York, and it’s certainly not cool on the streets of London or anywhere else for that matter!?! In fact, to put this trend into context – it is actually as bad as seeing girls wearing thongs pulled up waaay too high at the back and showing the dreaded whale tail!?!

If you like the idea of keeping up to date with the very latest menswear trends, but would prefer not to be the laughing stock of the town when you go out – why not check out our website at for some ideas?!?
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